Sunday, October 27, 2013

Bump: 18 Weeks

In The Womb: 18 weeks
Fruit Size: Mango
How I Feel: Sadly, pregnancy for me is NOT easy. I've had dizzy spells, a cold, round ligament pains and continuous back pain this week. I felt helpless. However, I do have tons of support from loved ones and I cannot begin to thank them enough for all their help this week.  
Cravings: Tomato Soup, Applesauce, Natural Cafe, Mac n' Cheese.
Weight: 115 lbs

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Bump: 17 Weeks

In The Womb: 17 weeks
Fruit Size: Sweet Potato
How I Feel: Not to bad! Haven't gained any more weight this week. Good news, we were very happy to find out we are having a boy and think we picked out the name: "Zakkrey James Stern". Sadly, back pain is still present but I'm trying my best not think about it.
Cravings: Candy Corn, Coffee (but I settle for decaf), Mac n' Cheese, & Red Meat.
Weight: 111.5 lbs

Saturday, October 19, 2013


"IT'S A BOY" Photo Shoot

The Hills off Moorpark Rd. in Moorpark, CA

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Bump: 16 Weeks

In The Womb: 16 weeks
Fruit Size: Turnip
How I Feel: Great! Not too tired and loving all the baby-bump attention from friends and family. Also, I'm loving that I can eat and eat, with pregnancy being the excuse. Down side: feeling helpless that I can't even do mild, physical activities that I'm used to due to back pain. 
Cravings: Apples, Creamy Soups, Popcorn, & Ice Cream (still)
Weight: 111.5 lbs

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Bump: 15 Weeks

In The Womb: 15 weeks
Fruit Size: Avocado
How I Feel: Better, now that I am out of my first trimester. However, my lower back still hurts. But, bra size went up a cup! I also wake up in the middle of the night with insomnia, I'm itchy all over, I have acne, and am emotional. 
Cravings: Orange Juice, Cheeseburgers, Ice Cream, Pink Lemonade
Weight: 110 lbs