In The Womb: 40 weeks - TODAY IS MY DUE DATE!
Fruit Size: Jackfruit
How I Feel: Well, I woke up at 5:34am today and started having contractions, they were 2-5 minutes apart. I called the Dr at 7:00am and he said I can stay at home until they get really bad, so I stayed up and timed them until 9:18am. Then, I got really tired and laid back down and literally slept until 1:15pm. Woke up again, showered, ate, and contractions are about 5-7 minutes apart now. Still at home, won't go to the hospital unit they are more painful - they aren't bothering me at all. Going to try a go on a walk soon. Also, Baby-Z is very active between contractions. He wants out! Notice how LOW I am. My shirt barely fits. I'm getting excited and I don't want them to stop, I want him in my arms! While I wait, I've been doing laundry, dishes, and other things to keep me busy. Common Baby-Z!
Cravings: Pineapple, Ice Cream, & Water
Weight: 149.4
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